EFI SPA HOTEL - Ubytovací řád a storno podmínky

e-Finance EU, a.s., IČ: 03178307
Bratislavská 234/52, 602 00 Brno
hotel part EFI SPA Hotel****
28. října 1903/23, 602 00 Brno


I. Accommodation conditions and process

  1. In order to accommodate at EFI SPA Hotel (herein after referred to as the “Hotel”) the Client must check in at first. Upon the check-in the Client will provide a valid national identity card or any other personal ID card, a passport or any other travel document within the meaning of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic.
  2. Every non-Czech citizen (a foreigner) is obliged to fill in and submit the official document of temporary residence according to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic as amended. The official document will be handed over to the Client upon the arrival by the Hotel staff. All the required information mentioned in the document must be filled in fully and truthfully.
  3. Booked rooms are available to the Client on the arrival date from 3 p.m. The room is booked for the Client until the latest possible check-in at 9 p.m. unless otherwise agreed between the Client and the Hotel.
  4. The Client who claims room availability before 9.30 a.m. will be charged full room rate for the previous night unless otherwise agreed between the Client and the Hotel.
  5. Check-out is by 10 a.m. on the agreed departure date. The Client must leave the room by the check-out time unless individually otherwise agreed in advance. If the Client fails to do so, the Hotel is entitled to charge the Client another night stay unless otherwise agreed. This does not affect the termination of the relationship between the Hotel and the Client to the day on which the Client should have properly left the room (last day of the stay). If the Client fails to do so, the Hotel reserves the right to deny access to the Client’s room and in case of outstanding payments for Client’s stay or other claims against the Client, the Hotel reserves the possibility to use a lien to the personal property brought into the Client’s room. The room is considered to be vacant once the Client has taken all his/her belongings out of the room and handed over the keys at the front desk. The Client must also advise the staff of the check-out. The Hotel reserves the right to carry out room inventory check (furnishings and forgotten belongings) and to check the settlement and consumption of the Client within 1 hour of the room vacation. The Hotel is not responsible for the movable property brought in the Client’s room after the Client had left the room or after the relationship between the Hotel and the Client had been terminated.
  6. Accommodation extension is subject to availability. The Hotel may offer the Client other room at different price than the one formerly accommodated. If any capacity or operational matter occurs, the Client is not entitled to the formerly accommodated room or any other room.
  7. The Hotel reserves the right to offer the Client alternative accommodation than was originally agreed upon due to exceptional circumstances, if it is not substantially different from the one in confirmed order.
  8. The Hotel provides its Clients services to the extent of mutual agreement and to the extent of applicable legal enactment. The Client is obliged to pay for the accommodation and services provided in accordance with the valid Hotel price list on the departure day at latest. The payment terms are inviolable under the accommodation contracts. Price list for short-stay accommodation and other services is available at the Hotel front desk.
  9. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodation of a Client if his/her clothing or behaviour does not correspond to good morals, if the Client is apparently under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances or if the Client or his/her clothing or baggage are excessively dirty.
  10. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodation of a Client that is on the list of people not paying for the accommodation services, further to refuse accommodation of a Client who manipulated the reservation system in order to achieve greater discounts for accommodation and further to refuse accommodation of a Client at the discretion of reception manager without giving any further reasons.
  11. The Client is obliged to adapt his/her stay in the Hotel and all its facilities to his/her current state of health and physical and mental abilities. 

II. Payment for the provided accommodation and cancellation fees

  1. The Client is obliged to pay for the accommodation and provided services in accordance with the valid price list no later than on the day of checkout upon presentation of the bill or invoice, along with the bill of advanced payments provided by the Client. When staying longer than 7 days the Client is obliged to pay for the entire stay no later than on the seventh day of the stay unless agreed otherwise between the Hotel and the Client. The bill or the invoice is payable upon submission to the Client.
  2. The Hotel reserves the right to request Client’s credit card details as well as advance payment worth one night’s stay at the Hotel. The booking becomes binding for the Hotel only after the advance payment has been received on the Hotel bank account. The Hotel is entitled to block the amount worth advance payment on the credit card in the form of pre-authorisation.
  3. If the Client cancels the booking no later than at 6 p.m. on the third day preceding the check-in day, the cancellation is free. The Hotel will cancel pre-authorized payments on the credit card whose number the Client used to make the booking.
  4. If the Client cancels the booking after 6 p.m. on the third day preceding the check-in day, the cancellation is charged. The Hotel will charge the Client's credit card for the amount equivalent the advance payment for 1 night stay by completion of pre-authorization or by offsetting the paid deposit.
  5. If the Client cancels the booking made for two or more nights after 6 p.m. on the third day preceding the check-in day, the cancellation is charged. The Hotel will charge the Client's credit card for the amount equivalent the advance payment for 2 nights stay by completion of pre-authorization or by offsetting the paid deposit.
  6. If the Client cancels the booking of more than one room, the cancellation is charged. The Hotel will charge the Client's credit card for the amount equivalent the advance payment for half of the booked night’s stay in all the rooms by completion of pre-authorization or by offsetting the paid deposit.
  7. If the booking is not cancelled properly and the Client fails to check-in or postpone the check-in date to a later date in the booked length of stay, the Client is obliged to pay a cancellation fee worth the first night stay and the booking expires.
  8. In the case the Client shortens the stay, the Hotel has every right to charge the Client full amount of the agreed price for the entire duration of the booked stay.
  9. In the event that the client does not pay the price for accommodation upon request, the hotel is entitled to terminate the client's stay, prevent access to the hotel building and refuse to provide other services. The hotel is also entitled to terminate the stay of such a client who behaves in violation of these accommodation rules or good manners.
  10. Cancellation must be communicated in writing, electronically or by telephone directly with the Hotel and can be done latest by 6 p.m. of the third day preceding the check-in day.
  11. The Hotel is entitled to charge the Client a fee of € 100 or equivalent amount in CZK for excessive pollution of the room the Client leaves after the termination of accommodation, particularly unwashed dishes. The Hotel is also entitled to charge the Client the cost of damaged or destroyed room equipment. The Hotel is entitled to block and charge thusly invoiced amounts on the Client’s credit card.

III. The responsibilities

  1. The Hotel is responsible for the damage caused to things brought in and set aside in the accommodation part of the Hotel in accordance with the applicable legislation.
  2. The Hotel recommends to the Clients deposition of their valuables inside the provided safes. 
  3. The Hotel acquaints the Client with the value of room/apartment inventory. The Client is responsible for the damage caused to the equipment or inventory in accordance with applicable legislation. The Hotel has every right to compensation for the property in case of its damage or destruction. The value of room inventory is established in a written record located at the front desk. Every Client should inform himself/herself of its content in case the room equipment gets damaged. The Client as legal representative is responsible for damage caused by under-aged persons as well as damage caused by persons or pets whose stay has been enabled by the Client.
  4. In case of damage to the Hotel property caused by the Client, he/she is obliged to pay compensation for damage no later than on the last day of the stay. The Hotel may also issue an invoice within 2 weeks from the Client’s checkout which is payable in 10 days from the delivery date.
  5. If the Client refuses to pay for the damaged or destroyed equipment in accordance with these accommodation rules, the Hotel is entitled to charge the Client penalty of 0.05% of the outstanding amount per day for each day of delay, together with default interest at the rate provided by universally binding law.
  6. Client dry cleaning conditions: The Hotel reserves the right to refuse treating clothes which is excessively dirty or damaged. Drycleaner‘s is not responsible for different colourfulness, buttons or decorative buckle damaged during the cleaning process. In case of loss or damage, the drycleaner‘s will only be limited to a maximum of 5 times the cost of service.
  7. The Hotel is not responsible for theft or damage caused to the vehicles left on the parking site. The Hotel Clients are advised to make sure their vehicles are properly locked and secured. It is also recommended not to leave any personal belongings in the vehicle. The Hotel is not liable for damages caused by the Client to the third parties in the Hotel parking site or garages. Hotel reserves the right to charge for the damages caused to the Hotel property by the Client‘s vehicle and even in the case the damage was caused by a third person in the Client’s vehicle or by the Client with a car belonging to the third party.
  8. The Client is obliged to behave so as to prevent damage to human health, property, nature and the environment. The Hotel recommends that the Client, even when staying in the room, locked the front door. Before opening the door to strangers, he/she should check the reason for entering the room and when any doubt, immediately contact the front desk. The Client must check for closed windows and doors before leaving the room.
  9. The Hotel is not responsible for any damage caused outside its premises.

IV. Food service and sale of alcoholic beverages

  1. Consumption of alcoholic beverages not purchased at the Hotel is forbidden.
  2. Only persons over 18 years old are permitted to consume alcohol beverages entirely purchased from the Hotel beverage menu or wine list, in the Hotel premises.
  3. The Client is not allowed to bring in the rooms any alcoholic beverages or food that haven’t been bought in the Hotel.
  4. The Client is obliged to notify the Hotel staff of any serious medical or dietary restrictions. These restrictions must be reported either at the front desk or to the restaurant manager.
  5. The Hotel staff is entitled to refuse service of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years old and to persons clearly under the influence of alcohol.
  6. The Hotel serves breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Hotel restaurant within time span specified by Hotel operating regulations. Clients may ask the staff for refreshments out of the time allotted for lunch and dinner, which will be prepared by the Hotel kitchen when possible.
  7. Room service is provided for Hotel Clients according to the rules and prices specified in the room service menu. Room service can be charged to the Client‘s room and paid at checkout according to the payment guarantee. Consumption charged to the room must be undersigned by the Client. Room service can be paid cash only in advance at the restaurant cash register or in the Hotel lobby bar during opening hours.

V. General terms and conditions

  1. Accommodated Clients may receive visitors in the Hotel lobby or in other social premises of the Hotel.  The Client may receive visitors in his/her room only with the consent of the Hotel staff from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. A member of Hotel staff is authorized neither to give any information about accommodated Clients to third parties (except for the police after they legitimate themselves and substantiate their claim for such information), nor to allow a visit from a third party without Client’s approval.
  2. Clients must not relocate any furnishings in the room and in the Hotel premises without a consent of the Hotel management, and must not perform any interventions in the electric power network or other installations.
  3. The Clients are not allowed to use their own electric appliances in the Hotel, particularly in the room. This does not apply for electric appliances serving to personal hygiene of the Client (electric shaver, massager, hair dryer, etc.) and small appliances (notebook, mobile phone, etc.).
  4. Clients are not allowed to bring into the rooms things like sporting goods, prams or bicycles, for which the Hotel has earmarked other places. Information regarding such places shall be given at the front desk. For the damage caused to the property despite this ban, the Client will be charged in full. In case of violation of this ban the Hotel is entitled to charge the Client a penalty in the amount of € 40 for each violation. In case that the damage caused is higher, the Hotel reserves the right to charge for the damage in full.
  5. Smoking is allowed in designated Hotel premises only. The rooms are strictly non-smoking. In case of violation of this ban, the Hotel is entitled to charge the Client a penalty in the amount of € 300 for each violation. In case that the damage caused is higher, the Hotel reserves the right to charge for the damage in full. The rooms are fitted with smoke detectors connected to the central security system. In case the Client violates the ban on smoking and manipulation with open flames or source of smoke, and causes a fire rescue service intervention, he/she will be charged in addition to contractual penalties also damages related to the fire rescue service intervention. Unauthorized manipulation with smoke detectors and other security features is prohibited. For any interference with the functioning of smoke detectors or other safety features, the Hotel is entitled to charge the Client a penalty in the amount of € 300.
  6. There is a strict ban on the use of any narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The Hotel is entitled to inform the Police immediately and cancel the accommodation of the Client, who violated this prohibition, without compensation.
  7. Clients are strictly forbidden to make use of the wellness centre premises (gym, saunas) under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances. A Client who suffers from cardiovascular disease or any other health problem and the stay in the pool or in the sauna should make his/her condition worse or endanger his/her life, can use the facilities (pool, gym, saunas) at his/her own risk and responsibility.
  8. Dogs and other pets can only be accommodated at the Hotel on approval of Hotel Executive or based on previous agreement between the Client and the Hotel, provided their owner proves their good health condition. Price for pets’ accommodation is charged according to valid Hotel price list. The accommodation of dogs and other pets is subject to the following measures:
    • Dogs and other pets are not allowed to enter premises in which food is stored and prepared or meals and drinks are served.
    • Only small breed dogs are allowed in the accommodation part of the Hotel.
    • Dogs and other pets are forbidden to enter the wellness centre.
    • In all public Hotel premises each dog must be on a leash and must be muzzled.
    • Neither dogs nor other pets are allowed to rest or lie on a bed or other equipment that is used for Client’s rest.
    • Dogs or other pets must not be fed from inventory used for preparation or serving food to Clients.
    • In case any damage to the facilities of the Hotel is caused by a pet, the Client is obliged to pay for the damage in full.
    • The owner is fully responsible for his/or her pet as well as the Client who allowed the pet to stay in the room.
    • For violations of rules and measures mentioned above, except for direct property damage which is charged for in full, the Client will be charged up to € 100 for additional cleaning of the room or area contaminated by his/her pet.
    • The Hotel reserves the right to charge the Client for any direct and indirect cleaning costs exceeding the amount mentioned above to full extent. The Hotel also reserves the right to charge the Client for the bedding used for the rest of pets. Client will be charged for the bedding in full.
    • Cleaning and check of the room where the Client is staying with a pet, must be allowed so that neither staff nor other Hotel Clients are endangered. The check must be made ​​possible at least once a day so that eventual damages or excessive pollution are detected.
  9. Before leaving the Client is obliged to close the taps, turn off the light in the room, close the balcony doors if the room has one, close windows, lock the doors and hand the key with the chip over at the front desk. For the loss of the card the Hotel will charge the amount of € 5 per piece. In case the Client has rented a remote control for the air condition unit, he/she hands it over upon departure, too. For the loss of the air condition unit remote control the Hotel will charge the amount of € 80.
  10. Clients are obliged to dispose the litter in the designated containers in reserved places.
  11. For safety reasons the Hotel recommends not to leave the children under 12 years old unattended neither in the room nor in other Hotel premises.
  12. The Client must respect the quiet time between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. With the approval of the Operator (Head of the Hotel or other representative) social events may be organized after 10 p.m., but only in the premises designated for such purpose.
  13. Complaints and possible improvement suggestions of Clients are accepted by the Accommodation facility management. There is a question form at the front desk available.
  14. Disputes arising from these Accommodation Rules shall be resolved by the courts in the Czech Republic. In disputes about compensation for any damage caused by person whose place of residence is in the EU Member State, the applicable jurisdiction is given by the place where the damage occurred according to Art. 5, paragraph 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.
  15. The Client is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Accommodation Rules. If the Client fails to comply with the Accommodation Rules, the Accommodation facility management has the right to withdraw from the provision of accommodation services and to withdraw from the accommodation contract before expiry of the agreed time. In such case the Accommodation facility has every right to claim full payment for the accommodation. The Client must then leave the Accommodation facility immediately. The Client is obliged to be familiar with the operating and safety rules of the Accommodation facility, including all its equipment and strictly comply with them.
  16. By providing the Accommodation facility with data found in personal documents the client agrees to manual and automatic processing of such data for as long as necessary. The purpose of personal data processing is provision of accomodation services as well as additional product and service offer. This consent is given to the company eFi Palace, s.r.o. and all its syndicate companies. The guest is entitled to withdrawal of this consent at any time by sending an e-mail to recepce@efispahotel.cz or by mailing the company headquarters.

    Considering the obligation to report any accommodation by Act no. 326/1999 Coll. to the police of the Czech Republic, the Client shall submit a valid passport or personal identification document no later than upon acceptance of the keys to the rooms, while granting consent to the acquisition of photocopies of such documents for use at the register. In case the Client fails to submit the aforementioned document, the Accommodation facility reserves the right to refuse the accommodation of the Client and cancel his/her reservation while the Client is obligated to pay a cancellation fee according to section II paragraph 6 of these conditions.

    Upon his/her signature the Client is familiar with rules for accommodation, restaurant and wellness. The accommodation of Clients is govern by Czech legal order, on basis of Czech law and by the Accommodation Rules. Accommodated Client accepts the Accommodation Rules as the contractual terms of accommodation and is obliged to comply with its provisions. The Client is obliged to become acquainted with these Accommodation Rules and their ignorance will not be taken into consideration.


Accommodation Rules are effective from January 25, 2021.


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